Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dang, and I was really beginning to think I suffered from Eyelash Deficient Syndrome

Just when you thought it was safe to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your restless leg syndrome (aka Elvisitis), our elected officials decide to take another look at those strangely fascinating prime time commercials that have us wondering why Brooke Shields can't just buy a tube of mascara like the rest of us . . . Oh, because she is a "compensated spokesperson", that is why.

The New York Times reports that lawmakers have just caught on to what the rest of us know - that YAZ commercial is really annoying, and probably misleading!

This article is pretty informative . . . who knew that ads for pharmaceuticals are banned in pretty much every country but the U.S.? Imagine all the Lithuanians who sleep easy at night not knowing that they suffer from Elvisitis.

Just in case Brooke Shields is pulled from prime time soon, here is the Latisse commercial that promises "longer, fuller, darker lashes" with only a few teensy weensy side effects like "permanent brown iris pigmentation," or something like that, (which wouldn't be so bad if you had brown eyes to begin with, but I'm guessing fair skinned ladies with baby blues probably have lighter colored lashes and would be more prone to buy this product) -- honestly I was too busy wondering how much they had to pay Brooke Shields to peddle this crap.

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