Saturday, June 13, 2009

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam . . .

Now that we've established that PBR rules, we might want to eat a little something with our beer.

May I suggest Spam Pate . . . a.k.a "Poor Man's Pate"? All you need is a can of Spam, some cream cheese (or perhaps Cheez Whiz is more to your liking), seasoning of your choice -- could be Cool Whip, umm I mean MIRACLE Whip (but Cool Whip might work as well), or mustard, or Tabasco -- whatever you like, and for the finishing touch some olives. Mash it and smash it all together, and Voila! a pate to rival the finest (liver of a goose forcibly fed with a tube down it's throat) of France.

Grab you some crackers, and the aforementioned Pabst Blue Ribbon, and lunch or dinner is served!

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